Monday, 17 December 2012

America's Next Top Model : British Invasion.

                                                       AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL.

ANTM A.N.T.M BNTM BINTM B.I.N.T.M UK v's USA GB v US Great Britain versus America
United Kingdom v United States of America Series Cycle Episode Season series cycle episode
Series18 18 S s Ep 10 Ep10 Cycle18 Brits invade invaded episode10 S 18 s TV tv television
Program Sky Living skyliving channel ch Ch HD Hd hd high definition tele station programme.

America's Next Top Model : British Invasion started with 14 model girl's competing to win the competition television program. There were 7 American girl model's and 7 British girl model's to make14 competitors in total. Now there are 5 girl model's left in the modelling competition ANTM : British Invasion. Of the 5 people still in the model contest, 2 are American and 3 are British. Who will win, America or Britain ?

In this most recent episode of America's Next Top Model : British Invasion, the house was divided with Alisha and Eboni both despising Laura. The girls were taken to Hong Kong where they meet Nicholas Tse, who teaches them some basic martial arts in preparation for their challenge.

At the challenge, each girl takes a motion shot with lines given to them to deliver. Laura won the challenge and won an opportunity to star in a video with Nicholas Tse back in Hong Kong.

After the challenge, the girls joke that Laura seduced Nicholas and Eboni added that Laura is sleeping her way to the top, which angered her.

The photograph below is of the five girl models still in with a chance of winning the modelling competition America's Next Top Model : British Invasion. The model girl's names pictured below from left to right are, Annaliese, Sophie, Alisha, Laura and Eboni.

At the photo shoot, the girls pose atop the Macau Tower (with harnesses that are later edited out of the photos), which they must take with the rain and wind.

Sophie and Alisha struggled with their fear of heights, but still managed to take good photos.

ANTM American Eboni.                                                                              ANTM American Laura.

ANTM British Sophie.                                                                                  ANTM British Alisha.

ANTM British Annaliese.

At panel, Alisha and Eboni were criticized for their lackluster photos, while Annaliese was compared to Mercedes Scelba-Shorte from cycle 2 for being a presenter rather than a fashion model. Laura was praised for not letting anything come down to her nerves, while Sophie was commended for facing her fear and producing a stunning photograph.

American model Laura received her second first call-out in a row, while Britain's Alisha and America's Eboni landed in the bottom two for their relatively weak performance throughout the competition despite having strong potential. UK v's USA.

Tyra Banks gave the last photo to Alisha, but Alisha burst into tears and surprisingly opted to leave the competition, explaining that she felt she was taking the opportunity away from girls who deserved it more than her and that she had lost her spirit.
Tyra allows British girl model Alisha to leave, but in a shocking turn of events, she still eliminates American girl model Eboni.

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